Increase your brain power and improve memory by eating the right foods. Without appropriate fuel for the body, the mind will stop to function to the best of its capacity
you start your day with breakfast. According to a memory retention research done on students it
was proved that breakfast aides cognitive functioning. Kids who ate breakfast improved
their memory after breakfast consumption
Just as the right diet can prevent heart disease, there are foods that have been identified by health experts that can improve brain power. The Alzheimer’s Association suggests all of us follow a brain healthy diet- one that encourages good blood flow to the brain and also low in cholesterol. This diet works well when combined with being both physically and mentally active. To improve memory and brain performance here is a list of the foods you shouldn’t avoid in your diet.
10 types of Foods to help boost your brain
and more specifically salmon: Salmon is good because it’s a good
source of DHA, the predominant omega 3 fat found naturally in your brain and it’s
good source of Vitamin D which provides a nutrient recently linked with warding
off cognitive decline. Eating fish will speeds up your brain waves, and improves
Olive oil has
been shown to improve memory. It may also be an effective weapon against ADDLs –Alzheimer’s
inducing proteins that are toxic to the brain. It’s also rich in oleocanthal, a
compound known to disable ADDLs.
Foods high in antioxidants. These
foods include: blackberries, kale, raisins, blueberries, garlic, strawberries and
spinach. Antioxidants protect all your brain cells. As you get older you tend
to forget new things. Blackberries provide antioxidants that reduce inflammation
and encourage communication between neurons helping us remember new
information. Spinach on the other hand is loaded with nutrients like vitamin E,
K and folate that will keep your brain healthy. Neurology study done in
2006 reveals that eating three servings of leafy green, yellow and cruciferous
vegetables a day can delay cognitive decline by 40%.
drinking coffee loads you with caffeine and plenty of antioxidants and
researchers believe these could be it’s protective benefits. A recent Finnish study
found that drinking 3-5 cups a day when you are in your 40’s and 50’s reduced
the odds of developing Alzheimer’s by 65% compared to those who enjoyed less
than two cups a day.
It has been proven that chocolate can keep your mind sharp. A Nutrition study
found that eating as little as 1/3 of an ounce of chocolate a day helps protect
against age-related memory loss.
Fiber rich foods: Toxic
build-up in the body and brain can cause "brain fog." People often
report clearer thinking as one of the benefits of curing their constipation. One
simple way to increase fiber intake is to power up on bran. Oat bran is high in
soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat,
corn, and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent
Red wine and Grape juice: Drink red wine in moderation. It is rich in
antioxidants, which protect brain cells. One glass per day for women and two
for men is usually considered a safe and moderate amount.
apples are a leading source of quercetin; an antioxidant plant chemical that
protects brain cells and keeps your mental juices flowing. Researchers have
found that quercetin protects your brain cells from attack by free radicals which
can damage the outer lining of delicate neurons and eventually lead to
cognitive decline.
and Curry: According to emerging research, Cinnamon has two
compounds that are able to inactivate proteins that bring on the death of brain
cells. Curry has a principle spice-turmeric that is rich in curcum a compound
believed to inhibit Alzheimer’s by: fighting inflammation and lowers cholesterol
hence improving blood flow to the brain.
Nuts. Nuts have amino
acids and minerals that are beneficial to the brain and these include almonds
and walnuts. They are good for boosting mental power.
Vitamin supplements.
In studies, children scored higher on tests when on a regimen of daily vitamin
supplements. "Experts" will tell you that if you eat a balanced diet,
you don't need supplements, which, given the culture in most countries, is really just a
sales pitch for vitamins, isn't it? Who eats a perfectly balanced diet? supplements also act as food for the brain.
Well there you have it; the
foods that will help boost your mental brain power. Try adding one or more of
these to your diet. While considering the above stay away from foods that cause
subtle allergies. They cause digestive problems and brain
fog in some people.
Do not over eat. Overeating
has the immediate effect of redirecting more blood to the digestive process,
leaving less for the brain. If you want to improve your memory or are concerned
about your own personal risk of Alzheimer’s, now is the time to adopt brain
healthy way of eating as a natural approach to keeping your brain healthy.
this is very good. will try of this.